Vision & mission



In 10 years, STRN is a well-established, fully professionalized academic association
to promote research, education and related activities in sustainability transitions

  • Host international conferences, workshops and activities
  • Facilitate exchange within the network, oversee different journals, provide knowledge resources and develop teaching materials
  • Connect to businesses and policy makers
  • Thematic groups have developed into vibrant platforms, which drive their respective research agendas, organize webinars, host meetings and curate special issues
  • STRN has regional chapters across the world, hosting smaller events and activities
  • Support the next generation of transition scholars

Supported by the voluntary efforts of transition scholars, our overarching mission is to advance the field of sustainability transitions. Four specific goals follow from this and orient the activities of the network.

Vision & mission1


Deepen understanding of sustainability transitions

Vision & mission2


Foster intellectual and professional development

Vision & mission3


Provide platforms for knowledge exchange

Vision & mission4


Promote transition perspectives in policy and practice

Guiding principles
  • STRN is open, inclusive and accessible
  • We welcome a diverse range of theoretical perspectives & methodological approaches
  • We are internationally oriented, and seek to bridge the North-South gap
  • Institutional membership open to any independent research organization active in the field of transitions research
  • Voluntary efforts remain a key pillar of STRN
  • NEST operates largely independently but with close ties to STRN
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