The Sustainability Transitions Research Network (STRN) and Network of Early Career Researchers in Sustainability Transitions (NEST) jointly invite PhD students and early career researchers to the 2023 STRN/NEST School on Methodologies and Methods for Sustainability Transitions Research. The school will take place at the ZHAW Zurich School of Applied Sciences in Winterthur, Switzerland from Monday, June 5th to Friday, June 9th 2023, starting in the early afternoon of June 5th and ending on June 9th around midday. Participants will take part in a series of lectures, workshops and discussions organised by leading transitions scholars, with ample opportunities to network and exchange knowledge with other participants and the school lecturers present in person. The planned total workload for the school will be approximately 80 hours, including preparation and attendance and participants will receive a participation certificate for the school. The focus of this year’s school will be on urban (sustainable) transition processes, in collaboration with the Smart City Office of the City of Winterthur.
Confirmed speakers for the Methods School, as well as their broad topical foci within the school’s programme , include:
A complete programme including more detailed information on the speaker’s inputs will be communicated to successful applicants following the end of the review process.
The call for applications is now open – interested participants are invited to send the filled in 2023 STRN NEST Methodology School Application Form via e-mail to (please use STRN/NEST Methods School application as the e-mail subject) by 12:00 CEST on Monday, March 27th 2023.
Successful applicants will be notified no later than April 17th 2023. Participation in the school is free of charge, but participants are expected to arrange their own accommodation and most meals.
In case of any questions regarding the Methods School, please contact Jonathan Köhler ( or Anton Sentic (