After the conclusion of the yearly STRN Steering Group Election, we are very happy to welcome the new members of the STRN Steering Group: Merin Raju Jacob , CST Stellenbosch (Junior member) and Ingrid Mignon, Chalmers University of Technology (Senior member). We are glad to announce that Anton Sentic and Xiao-Shan Yap have been re-elected this year and they will continue to be part of the STRN Steering Group.
In addition, we welcome Tom Hawxwell, HafenCity University Hamburg and Sophie-Marie Ertelt, Örebro University School of Business as the new joint NEST representative to STRN.
We would also like to thank Mapula Tshangela and Patience Mguni for their dedicated work to STRN over the past years and Abe Hendriks and Aline Scherrer, who are stepping down as the joint NEST representative to STRN.
More information about the STRN Steering Group is available here